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Become a Content Contributor

Your voice. Your Business. Register to become a Black Girl Voiceover World Content Contributor. Share your original photos, videos, and audio content with the Black Girl Voiceover World LLC and the Black Girl Voiceover World Podcast.

Guest Content Contributors for Black Girl Voiceover World:

  • Possible exposure to our Black Girl Voiceover World audience

  • Creator credit for the content

  • Bragging rights with a short bio at the end of your post

  • The freedom to include links to your website and social media accounts


How to become a Content Contributor

The Content Contributor Application is required. Click the Sign Up button below to submit an application. A follow-up email will be sent to tell you your next steps. Only submit original content that you believe goes along with our principles and can be off value to our community.

Content Contributor Agreement – all guest contributions must comply with the following criteria:

  • You own all rights to submitted content.

  • Content will acknowledge your authorship, but will be our property.

  • We review all guest contributions prior to posting and may not post all contributions that we receive.  We reserve the right to refuse publication of any guest post for any reason in our sole discretion.

  • We do not pay for contributions.  With each submission, you knowledge that you shall not be entitled to any compensation for writing the post, recording the video or recording the audio. or for any other compensation related to the post.

  • Copyright and/or trademark infringement is not permitted. Content contributors warrant that their posts are original and do not infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material.

  • Plagiarism is not permitted.  Cite the source when quoting others.

  • We reserve the right to add affiliate links or advertising in or around contributor content.

  • We do not accept content containing affiliate links.

  • We do not accept content that is designed to advertise a product or service.

  • We reserve the right to deny or remove any image/video for any reason in our sole discretion.

  • By submitting Guest Content you agree that you have read and understand this Guest Contributor Agreement and agree to be bound by it.

  • We accept relevant images and/or video to accompany guest contributions that meet the following requirements:

  1. The guest contributor must be the copyright holder of the image/video or the image/video must be licensed under an appropriate creative commons license or in the public domain.  Proof of ownership/license may be required to be submitted along with any image/video to verify that it does not infringe on any copyright laws.

  2. If individuals are displayed in the image/video, the guest contributor must provide a written release granting permission to the use of such individuals’ likeness.





Q: Will I be paid for my contributions?
A: No. In exchange for your contributions, you will get a byline on every post you write and an author bio that can include links to your website and social media profiles.

Q: What kind of content are you looking for?
A: We are looking to you for ideas about what you think Black Girl Voiceover World followers and supporters will be interested in. Share your original thoughts, photos, video and audio content.

Q: Can I post my content on my own site or other sites?
A: You may post your content on your own site at any time. However, you CAN NOT sell your content as original to others after it has been first posted to the Black Girl Voiceover World website or airs on any Black Girl Voiceover World podcast. Notify us immediately when you have published your content elsewhere so we can’t claim it can only be found at Black Girl Voiceover World.

Q: Is it okay if I post a clip or a link to my content on my website?
A: Most definitely, we encourage you to post a link to your guest post on your own website and share on social once it is live on Black Girl Voiceover World.

Q: If I submit a content, is it guaranteed to get published?
A: Although we want to publish as much quality content as we can, we cannot guarantee that we will publish your guest post. We reserve the right to refuse to publish any submitted post that does not meet our guidelines or for any other reason; however, if you follow our guidelines carefully, you greatly increase the probability that it will get published.

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